
Before commiting into the UI Library repository, please read the following first.

  • Only the design team can commit/merge things into the main branch! A new version is created automatically once it is on the main branch.
  • We use Conventional Commit to maintain changelogs. Please do not skip the commit verification.
  • Please do not publish new version to the registry from your local machine.
  • Please follow the guide on contribution below.

Step-by-step guide on contribution#

Step 1: RFC Discuss the feature with the design team.#

One of our goal is to create a common set of features that are easy-to-use, documented, and composable. Before adding a new feature, we need to consider if the addition fits the purpose of the library, and how we should design it so it fits within the rest of the codebase. Please feel free to open an issue on GitHub to discuss the contribution you are planning to make.

Step 2: PoC Create a Proof-of-Concept#

This means: create a branch and drop in everything that is needed for the contribution.

Apart from the code itself, we will only be able to merge the branch when the following is done.

  • Clear documentation – covers most of the use-cases & caveats.
  • Tests – especially cross-browser test, and backwards-compatibility.

Since we are the ones imposing these requirements, you will not be alone in this process. From Step 1 we will be participating in shaping the potential addition to the UI library.

What if I can't wait?#

Message us on the #design Slack channel! We can help troubleshooting and find technical workarounds together.

Even if the coders of the UI library are away on vacation, the designers can offer design workarounds.