
The simplest implementation is to use the HTML5 details and summary elements.

item 1Something small enough to escape casual notice.
item 2Something small enough to escape casual notice.



Applies the standard margin between the accordion items.


Adds the chevron "", reacting to the open/close state of the item.

Sets the width to 100%. To unset this add the Tailwind utility class w-auto

It does not style the content, consider adding article-title or section-title according to your need.



@headlessui/react provides multiple components that can create the accordion pattern.

Use <Popover.Group /> with <Popover /> to create a list of accordion where only one item can be expanded at the same time. Alternatively, use <Disclosure /> to create a single accordion.

To animate the folding of the accordion panels, use the <Transition /> component and the transition-fold-y transition utility, headover for information on refining the animation.

@tinka/react with @reach/accordion#

@tinka/react rely on @reach/accordion to setup accessibility. Please follow their installation section to setup @reach/accordion.


<AnimatedAccordionPanel /> extends <AccordionPanel /> from @reach/accordion, it has CSS transition over the panel region.

