
Brand Images#

How to use brand images#

Brand images are used to signal the site is associated with Tinka.

List of all brand images#


How to use illustrations#

  • The illustrations are in SVG format, suitable for responsive layouts.
  • The height of an illustration image should range from 80 to 400 pixels.
    (example class: max-h-80)
  • Always use alt text, find the recommended alt text below.

Use illustrations for the following occassions:

  1. Use illustration to lead content on a simple but significant screen. Especially when there is few content.
    Example: loading screens, 404 pages.
  2. Use illustration to mark significant moments in the experience.
    Example: account activated, some daunting task successfully completed.
  3. Illustrations can also go in pop-up boxes, presentations, and on emails headers. They can make these communication elements more engaging and memorable.

Do not use illustrations for the following occassions:

  1. Do not use illustrations in an inline layout.
    Use an icon instead.
  2. Do not use too many illustrations in one view.
    Choose the most fitting one or consult a designer.
  3. Do not use illustrations in inappropriate size for the sake of put things above the fold.
    Priortise important content before illustration.
  4. Do not use illustrations for marketing such as social media, press, or blog posts. Illustrations are intended to enhance the user experience within our product, not for external promotional purposes.

If unsure about the placement of an illustration or if you need a new illustration, don't hesitate to consult Humeyra Bagci for guidance. We value the expertise of our designers to ensure illustrations are used effectively.

List of all illustrations#